Quakers join first global week of action for peace and climate justice
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Churches join 2024 Chain of Prayer for Norwich
Quaker Meetings
The women of Swarthmoor Hall
Book Review
December 2023. An Open Letter from the Inter-Faith Environment Forum about COP 28
How can we Take Happiness into the World of the Future?
Spirituality and Quakerism
News of Quakers throughout the world
Our Duty to Care for the Environment
Letting God get a word in
Report on our recent climate action event: What Now? Refresh Rethink Reset
Our use of plastic
Friends, friends and Ffriends
Pandemics, Quakers & your opportunity to learn more
Norwich Meeting’s Experience of Conflict around Transgender Issues January 2019 – January 2020
Quakers embrace difficult issues
Are you concerned about housing?
Let's create an economic system that's fit for the 21st century