This month at Norwich Quaker Meeting
Please join us every Sunday and Wednesday:
Sunday 10.45 – 11.45am // Wednesday 12.30 – 1pm
Newcomers are most welcome to every meeting, with a dedicated, friendly and welcoming group discussion for newcomers on the fourth Sunday of every month.
February's Events at the Meeting House
Saturday 1st
noon–1pm PEACE VIGIL outside St Peter Mancroft
First Sunday 2nd
10.45–11.30am Meeting for Worship + Business
2-4.30pm 'Hot Spot' warm space. All welcome.
Wednesday 5th
12.30–1pm Meeting for Worship
2–3pm Quaker Faith & Practice with John Myhill
Second Sunday 9th
10.45–11.45am Meeting for Worship
+ children and young people’s meeting
followed by a bring-and-share lunch.
2-4.30pm 'Hot Spot' warm space. All welcome.
Wednesday 12th
10am–12 noon Patchwork and Quilting
12.30–1pm Meeting for Worship
Third Sunday 16th
9.30am Quaker Third Sunday discussion“Community Peace Building experience" with Liz Hoffbauer.
10.45–11.45am Meeting for Worship + children and young people’s meeting.
2-4.30pm 'Hot Spot' warm space. All welcome.
Wednesday 19th
12.30–1pm Meeting for Worship
2–3pm Quaker Faith & Practice (John Myhill)
Fourth Sunday 23rd
10.45–11.45am Meeting for Worship
12.15pm Conversation for Newcomers
2-4.30pm 'Hot Spot' warm space. All welcome.
Wednesday 26th
12.30–1pm Meeting for Worship