January's appeal is for Quaker Social Action
Quaker Social Action helps people on low incomes in east London and across the UK to seek solutions to the issues affecting their lives.
Founded 150 years ago by the religious group Quakers, today we are an independent charity inspired by Quaker values like equality in our work against poverty and injustice.
Quaker values guide us to deliver services with compassion and dignity.
Though we are an independent charity, our Quaker roots stretch back over 150 years, and Quaker values continue to help guide us to deliver services with compassion and dignity:
Equality and justice: our innovative projects promote the social justice of individuals facing the material, social and emotional toll of poverty.
Truth and integrity: we speak truth to power when we know our unique knowledge and insights can have a wider impact to create positive systemic change.
Simplicity and sustainability: we always seek to build simple, practical and innovative projects, whilst taking care of the environmental impact we leave behind.
We are people-led, bringing a holistic approach to our projects and respecting that people in poverty are the real poverty experts. We’re embedded in and respond to the changing needs of the community with pioneering new projects, such as the UK’s first supported housing project for young carers.